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What is Protein Deficiency and How to Pick the Perfect Protein Powder?

Protein being a significant portion of diet is to be taken in apt

Protein being a significant portion of diet is to be taken in apt. amount by individual depending factors like weight, age and sex.

This article looks at protein deficiency and aids in deciding perfect protein powder.

Protein is comprised of long chains of amino acids. There are 20 amino acids and are enlisted below. (it is pertanious here to mention that  specific order of amino acids will determine the structure and function of each protein)

20 amino acids - body uses to create protein are:

  1. alanine
  2. arginine
  3. asparagine
  4. aspartic acid
  5. cysteine
  6. glutamic acid
  7. glutamine
  8. glycine
  9. histidine
  10. isoleucine
  11. leucine
  12. lysine
  13. methionine
  14. phenylalanine
  15. proline
  16. serine
  17. threonine
  18. tryptophan
  19. tyrosine
  20. valine

Among these 20 nine essential amino acids are not synthesized by human body and must come from the diet.

Protein makes every body cell; thus adequate protein intake keep the muscles, bones, and tissues healthy. Protein is also very important for growth and development phases like childhood, adolescence, and pregnancy. Protein plays a role in many bodily processes, including:

  1. blood clotting
  2. fluid balance
  3. immune system responses
  4. vision
  5. hormones
  6. enzymes

How much protein do I need?---- is question every individual query about?

The FDA recommended -adults to consume 50 grams (g) of protein a day, Recommended daily amounts (RDA) for protein by sex and age group is  given below:


Protein RDA

child aged 1–3

13 g

child aged 4–8

19 g

child aged 9–13

34 g

female teen aged 14–18

46 g

male teen aged 14–18

52 g

female adult aged 19+

46 g

male adult aged 19+

56 g

Protein deficiency-due to a low intake of protein in the diet

Protein deficiency is serious concern in children.

Protein deficiency can lead to life threatening malnutrition, such as kwashiorkor and marasmus,

Protein deficiency can lead to:

  1. weak muscle tone
  2. edema or swelling due to fluid retention
  3. thin, brittle hair
  4. skin lesions
  5. in adults, a loss of muscle mass
  6. in children, growth deficits
  7. hormone imbalances

Beside appropriate diet wide range of protein supplements is currently available in market.

But it’s not deniable that certain supplements contain banned or unhealthy substances, such as heavy metals or pesticides and are high in added sugar which leads to spikes in blood sugar and other complications.

Let us see following enlisted highlights that surely will help to Pick the Perfect Protein Powder:-

  1. For muscle growth- protein powder with a high biological value will help. For this include Whey protein and whey isolates.
  2. For weight loss- opt for protein with no added sugars or dextrins/maltodextrins (sweeteners made from starch).
  3. Being vegan- choosing milk-based protein shakes is not right (like whey, milk proteins) and it’s advisable to instead use 100% plant proteins-soy, pea, hemp
  4. Diabetes sufferer’s cannot opt for protein powder with sugar It’s advisable to opt for a shake that’s low in carbohydrates ( 5-15 grams per serving).
  5. With kidney disease – remember  kidney disease patients can’t tolerate a lot of protein- and powders that have a lower-range protein content (10 to 15 grams per serving) are good for them.
  6. Suffering from irritable bowel syndrome or lactose intolerance –shall not opt for protein powder with lactose sugars, artificial sweeteners or dextrins/maltodextrins.
  7. With gluten allergy or sensitivity- don’t take powders that contain gluten.